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Undergraduate Research at Trinity (Biology Department)

Trinity Washington University, Retrieved March 20, 2014, From:


Trinity’s biology program explores the wonders of life from large organisms to molecular structures. Students learn and study biology and are trained in laboratory skills and experimental conduct. In addition, Trinity’s biology department students not only gain an understanding of living things but also develop very good reading and comprehension skills, mathematical skills and good communication skills (Trinity Washington University, 2014).

Trinity’s biology majors engage in biology courses such as: General Biology I, General Biology II, Critical Thinking about Disease, Biology of Women, Physiology, Vertebrate Development and Anatomy, Introductory Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Directed Research, in which they are prepared for careers in the health sciences, research, education, government, industry, entrepreneurship, zoos and aquariums, pharmaceuticals, environmental science, and many other fields. In all of the courses, the biology majors participate in laboratory courses that allow them to learn about the reaction of molecular chemicals in plants, organisms and the human body. The Directed research course allows biology majors to have one-on-one training with a Biology professional who advises and trains them in laboratory safety, laboratory management, and individual and group laboratory experimentation, preparing them for internships and jobs in laboratory management and scientific research.  Currently, the Biology 497 course is headed by Dr. Karobi Moitra, a Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology at Trinity Washington University in Washington, D.C. (Trinity Washington University, 2014).


Trinity Washington University. (2014). Biology (B.S.). Retrieved March 20, 2014, From

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