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Clementine Etoundi



Clementine Etoundi is an undergraduate junior at Trinity Washington University who is majoring in Biochemistry. She is  a member of the Trinity’s Ladies F.I.R.S.T (Fierce in Research, Science and Technology) club. Recently, Clementine was accepted into the NIH/NIDDK summer internship program where she will be doing research at Howard University through the program. She is currently taking a Directed Research class  where she learns how to interact in a laboratory environment, make agarose gels and run the gels the same day, read protocols, write protocols, pipette accurately, think critically while conducting experiments, clean and sterilize work station after each lab work, run PCR reactions , identify bands when looking at a gel under the UV light, and use laboratory instruments such as the centrifuge, UV Transilluminator, PCR machine (thermal cycler) and gel electrophoresis equipment.


This class is preparing Clementine for her summer internship as well as future career goals. She is very happy for being part of this class and gaining valuable knowledge about research. She like to listen the music, cook and bake, do art projects such as painting and drawing, and play tennis with her family during her spare time.







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